Monthly Archives: December 2018

Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2)

Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2) Type: Standing pose Level: Beginner Steps: From mountain pose, take a big step back with your left leg so that your left foot is parallel to the back of the mat. The body faces side-ways on. Bend your front knee and thigh and keep the knee over the ankle to stop it collapsing inwards. Keep the weight in the front heel and big toe and the back foot is pressing from the outer edge. The arms spread wide away from the body Stay in the pose 5-15 breaths. Come out on an inhalation, pressing your back [...]

Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2)

Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana 1)

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) Type: Standing pose Level: Beginner Steps: From mountain pose, take a big step back with your left leg so that your left foot is pointing to the left about 45 degrees. Feet should remain hip width apart. The body faces the front of the mat. Bend your front knee and thigh, keeping the weight in the front heel and big toe and the back foot is pressing from the outer heel. Square the hips and ensure the knee is directly above the ankle. On an inhalation lift the arms up straight, releasing the shoulders from the [...]

Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana 1)

How Yoga can Help with Shin Splints

How Yoga can Help with Shin Splints Shin splints are pain in the shin bones. This pain is brought on by exercise, particularly that involves repetitive weight or impact on the legs such as running. What causes Shin Splints? Sufferers are usually runners or people who have a sudden change in activity level that causes more weight being placed on the legs. It is more likely if you are running on hard or uneven surfaces, wearing shoes that do not cushion the impact enough, being overweight, having flat feet or if you have tight calf muscles, weak ankles, tight achilles, [...]

How Yoga can Help with Shin Splints

How Yoga can help with Stress

How Yoga can help with Stress Our bodies are designed to deal with stress and to protect us in stressful situations. When we are faced with a threat our body goes into a fight or flight response to help us protect ourselves from the perceived danger. The heart will beat faster, breathing quickens, muscles tense and you might sweat. These physical effects fade when the threat disappears but if you are constantly under pressure then the body stays in this alerted state and it can be harmful for the body. Physically affects such as headaches, muscle tension or sleep problems [...]

How Yoga can help with Stress

Upward Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

Upward Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) Asana Type: Backbends Level: Intermediate Steps: Take plank pose. Bend arms, lowering pelvis and thighs. Arch the back upwards, keeps arms straight and try to keep the legs straight without knees touching the mat. Only the top of the feet are on the mat. Props & Assistance: It can be difficult to keep the legs off the floor. Before getting into the pose you can position a rolled up blanked below the tops of the thighs so that you can rest on this. Variation: Cobra is a similar pose with legs on the ground. The [...]

Upward Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)
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