Yoga Unplugged: Finding Zen in Online 200-Hour Teacher Training
A yoga teacher training program is an immersive, transformative experience. From enabling you to disconnect from the external world to connect with your real, true self, to submitting to physical and spiritual practices that open up new limits and experiences for you, a yoga teacher training program is the perfect way to unplug. A 200-hour yoga teacher training course (YTTC) has dedicated hours to theory sessions where you learn the nuances of yoga philosophy and ancient wisdom, as well as practical sessions that encourage strength, flexibility, balance and an opportunity for the mind and body to restore and relax.
The question, however, arises whether there is a chance to go into zen mode even in an online 200-hour yoga teacher training program. Many 200-hour online yoga teacher training courses are structured such that you have a few contact hours (live online session) and a few non-contact hours (in the form of practices, homework and reading material). This means between live sessions and your own study time, you’re probably still going to your day job, fulfilling responsibilities at home with family or meeting friends. You’re not completely disconnecting from your everyday life.
What you can do is create a fixed routine and dedicated time for your yoga teacher training course. Based on the schedule of the 200-hour YTTC you join, you can create a daily routine for the course duration that allows you the time and flexibility to disconnect. Inform your family and friends you will not be available during this time and request for their support. When you switch back from student to employee mode or friend, mom, wife, sister..and so on, ensure you remember your schedule and commitment. No matter what the situation or conversation, remember the learnings from your philosophy sessions in your 200-hour YTCC. As Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra says, “Sthiram Sukam Asanam”, which means staying steady and stable in any position (or situation).
The best 200-hour online yoga teacher training programs will define practices for you. In the initial sessions you will learn and practice with your teacher’s support and guidance. You will receive homework to continue practices to develop strength and flexibility in asanas, to spend more time doing breathing exercises or to practice sitting still in meditation. It’s easy to cheat on your homework and say you’ve done it all, but unless you actually do it, you won’t feel the transformation.
Sometimes, you might learn new asanas in a live session in the morning and your yoga instructor may ask you to practice again in the evening. Don’t skip the practice – even if it means taking out an extra 30-minutes to practice warm-ups, prep poses and the new asanas, ensure you do so. Or, if you’ve just done a calming meditation in the morning but found that you were restless or unable to sit still, your teacher will ask you to practice again in the evening (to a recorded meditation). Do this with complete dedication. Even if you are still fidgety or restless, try to sit through the meditation. It will only help you become better at meditating and gain more from the practice.
To find that zen when you are studying to become a yoga instructor while in your everyday environment, you need to be honest, with yourself and with your teachers. You must do your practices with diligence and dedication. The better you meditate or the more you learn to breathe with awareness or control, the greater the chance for you to unplug and connect with yourself.
We won’t sugarcoat it – doing a 200-hour online yoga teacher training program means continuing to be present for everyday responsibilities for many. This is a bit of a juggling act. Finding calm in the chaos takes time, effort and patience. While your course is going on, you might have a major project deadline at work. Or, you might be shifting your house in the middle of your 200-hour YTTC. The world doesn’t stop and life goes on. Don’t worry and don’t panic.
Yoga teaches you to stay mindful and approach every situation with a sense of calm, balance and a neutral standpoint. Yoga even inculcates parallel thinking, encouraging you to think of positive possibilities, rather than jumping to conclusions. For example, you’re meeting friends for coffee, but they are late. Instead of getting irritated and angry that they’re making you wait, think of positive possibilities as to why they are late. Maybe their car broke down, or their child delayed them just as they were leaving home, and so on. A positive approach will keep you calmer and emotionally steady. Gradually, you will find that fewer and fewer things are getting you angry or frustrated. You’ll find yourself wanting to meditate before making a decision because of the calmness and clarity it induces.
Yes, a 200-hour online yoga teacher training offers incredible flexibility to become a yoga instructor without having to take time off. But this also means making an effort to strike the right balance and pace, being honest and 100% dedicated to your practices, and learning and adapting the various beautiful nuggets of yoga philosophy to your everyday life. The knowledge you gain and the practices you do will themselves help you navigate these few weeks with ease. As you adapt more and more you will realize yoga itself has all the answers you need.
The first week or two may prove to be challenging, but you will find the sweet spot. Of course, in the best yoga teacher training courses your teachers will support and guide you every step of the way so do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it. You’ll also be introduced to your batchmates who are in the same position as you, trying to unplug and find zen in their 200-hour yoga teacher training course. Seek advice and support – you’re definitely not alone.
Sampoorna Yoga Teacher Training School has been a registered international yoga school with Yoga Alliance, holding RYS-200, RYS-300, RYS-500, and YACEP designations since 2009. Its online and in-person Yoga Teacher Training Courses and Certifications are recognized and accepted worldwide, enabling all graduates to teach globally. Upon course completion, participants receive a 200-Hour, 300-Hour, or 50-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification, allowing registration as RYTs (Registered Yoga Teachers) with Yoga Alliance. Our Yoga Teacher Training Certificate Courses empower you to teach legally in any country, whether you choose to register with Yoga Alliance registration or not.