yoga ttc in India


A DAY in my LIFE at SAMPOORNA YOGA Our first VLOG from our 500 hr (200 hr + 300 hr) Yoga TTC Graduate Naki. She took out the time out of our busy schedule and filmed a beautiful video on her day life when she was pursuing her 300 hour advanced Vinyasa flow teacher training in Feb - Mar 2019 at Sampoorna - Yoga Teacher Training School in India. She says : I loved filming and editing it, so many beautiful memories. Her mission in Life is spreading love and kindness through hugs and big smiles. Naki discovered [...]


Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvokonasana)

Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvokonasana) Type: Standing pose Level: Intermediate Steps: Spread the legs apart in standing. Rotate the right foot 90 degrees and the left foot about 15 degrees to the right. Bend the right knee trying to reach 90 degrees without rotating the torso or pelvis. Start stretching to the right and put the right hand on the floor next to your foot. Straighten the left arm up and lower it over your head. Try to stretch your upper side from your foot to your arm into one line. Rotate the head and look up. Variations: Rest the [...]

Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvokonasana)

Pregnancy Yoga – First Trimester

Pregnancy Yoga – First Trimester The First Trimester of Pregnancy is up to week 13. Take it easy and adjust to changing energy levels and hormones. Cautions: Listen to your body. Do what feels right for your body and take rests when you need to. Before pregnancy you may have worked hard with exercise and pushed the body to limits but now is a time to use yoga and exercise to keep the body moving but not to push yourself too hard. Pregnancy is not the time to try challenging new poses Use relaxed, Ujjayi breath. Do not use breath [...]

Pregnancy Yoga – First Trimester

Yoga – the Ultimate Journey of Self-discovery

Yoga - the Ultimate Journey of Self-discovery Living in a fast paced society can sometimes feel like being enveloped in a whirlwind! Your body runs on autopilot, your feet longing to touch the ground, and all of this while your mind tries desperately to keep up with information overload! If we were to imagine body, mind and soul as being separate parts of the whole, ideally they’d link arms and travel the uneven terrain of life at the same pace in harmony, no matter what may come along the way; strength in unity as they say! Yet all too often [...]

Yoga – the Ultimate Journey of Self-discovery

Reversed Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Reversed Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana) Type: Standing pose Level: Beginner Steps: From mountain pose, take a big step back with your left leg so that your left foot is parallel to the back of the mat. The body faces side-ways on. Bend your front knee and thigh and keep the knee over the ankle to stop it collapsing inwards. Keep the weight in the front heel and big toe and the back foot is pressing from the outer edge. The arms spread wide away from the body to start off in Warrior II, then reach up and over the head with [...]

Reversed Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana 3)

Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana 3) Type: Standing balance Level: Intermediate Steps: From high lunge activate the core and on an exhale fold from the hips to lower the torso and arms so that they are at around a 45 degree angle from the floor. Focus on a point on the floor just in front of your mat. On an inhale root down through the front foot and begin to shift the weight forwards, slowly lifting the back foot from the floor. The toes of the back foot point down to the floor and the hips are level. Extend outwards with the [...]

Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana 3)

Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2)

Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2) Type: Standing pose Level: Beginner Steps: From mountain pose, take a big step back with your left leg so that your left foot is parallel to the back of the mat. The body faces side-ways on. Bend your front knee and thigh and keep the knee over the ankle to stop it collapsing inwards. Keep the weight in the front heel and big toe and the back foot is pressing from the outer edge. The arms spread wide away from the body Stay in the pose 5-15 breaths. Come out on an inhalation, pressing your back [...]

Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2)

Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana 1)

Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) Type: Standing pose Level: Beginner Steps: From mountain pose, take a big step back with your left leg so that your left foot is pointing to the left about 45 degrees. Feet should remain hip width apart. The body faces the front of the mat. Bend your front knee and thigh, keeping the weight in the front heel and big toe and the back foot is pressing from the outer heel. Square the hips and ensure the knee is directly above the ankle. On an inhalation lift the arms up straight, releasing the shoulders from the [...]

Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana 1)

Crow (Bakasana)

Crow (Bakasana) Type: Balance Level: Advanced Steps: Squat down and place your palms on the floor. Press your knees against your shoulder bone, pressing closer to your armpits. Move your weight forward to your arms and try to lift the feet from the floor to balance on your hands. Variation: Option to move one leg away from your arm to straighten and raise it out. There are also side variations of this pose - side crow. Props & Assistance: You can start off squatting on a block so that your feet are a few inches off the ground may help [...]

Crow (Bakasana)

Benefits of Yoga for Students

Benefits of Yoga for Students Starting University is an important time in your life. It might be the first time you have had to take care of yourself and at the same time, you are embarking on a new course which will be mentally challenging. Yoga is a perfect complement to your studies. The physical practice is a great relief to lengthy periods of being stationary when you are studying, and there are also many benefits for the mind and relieve yourself from stress and anxiety. Physical benefits including posture Yoga is a great way to look after the physical [...]

Benefits of Yoga for Students
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